SELECT statement

SELECT statement has five major sections

1. SELECT key word 
2. column specification 
3. from key word
4. table or list of tables
5. where clause

Section 1, 2,3 and 4 are mandatory. 5 is optional. 

Explanation with examples  
Consider the table EMP with below structure

Empno Name DOB Salary
10 Mark 12/31/1970 4000
20 Adam 11/20/1980 4500
30 Gary 02/03/1995 3500
40 Lisa 06/14/1960 6000

1) All records
Suppose user needs to see all records from EMP table. Below statement will pull all records from the table. 
select from EMP;

Note :- 1) In SQL `*` means all columns. Here table has four columns.
            2) `;` is the terminator for the SQL statement.
            3) SQL is not case sensitive.

2) Selected columns
select empno,salary from EMP;
The above statement fetches all empno and salary columns from EMP table

3)  All records with where condition
select empno,salary from EMP where empno = 10;
 The above statement will fetch a record with empno as value 10

4)  All records using where condition and order by
select empno,salary from EMP where empno > 10 order by salary asc;
 The above statement will fetch all record with empno as value > 10 in a ascending order of salary

Select SQL statement has lot of features, some of them are pretty straight forward and some of them are really complex. Normally SQL cannot be learnt by just reading. You just need to practice SQLs with real examples. For that we need a database installed in an operating system.
Each database will have a client utility to manage SQLs. In Oracle Database supplied with  rwo SQL client utilities, SQL Plus and Oracle SQL DeveloperSQL Plus is a command line utility and Oracle SQL Developer is a graphical user interface(GUI)

List of standalone tools available in the market.
1. TOAD -
2. Oracle SQL Developer -
3. PL/SQL Developer -  
4. Advanced Query Tool(AQT) -

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